Code Generation With Maven

To generate some code from an EMF model, it’s possible to use the xText Maven plugin which provides some features, including code generation from an Xcore model.

Xcore is an extended concrete syntax for Ecore that, in combination with Xbase, transforms it into a fully fledged programming language with high quality tools reminiscent of the Java Development Tools. You can use it not only to specify the structure of your model, but also the behavior of your operations and derived features as well as the conversion logic of your data types. It eliminates the dividing line between modeling and programming, combining the advantages of each. All this is supported for both generated and dynamic EMF models.

Create or Update Existing Models

To use the code generation in Maven, first you need to create an Xcore model. There are two ways to achieve that:

See all procedures on the Xcore Website.

When you generate an Xcore model, pluginID and pluginKey parameters are added to the @GenModel annotation in Xcore header. You must remove these parameters when they are included in a Maven project, otherwise an IOException will be thrown during the build : they identify Eclipse plugin files (, and plugin.xml) which are not useful for code generation, and cannot be found in the project root if you don’t insert them.

Create a Project Using Xcore Code Generation

Some lines must be added to the pom.xml file.

Generate at a Specific JDK Level

The code generation can be configured to follow a specific JDK level:

  • Your Xcore model must have a complianceLevel parameter in the @GenModel annotation. Its value must be greater or equal to the targeted JDK.

    For example, if you want to generate a Java 7 code, you have to ensure that this parameter is complianceLevel="7.0" ou complianceLevel="8.0".

  • The level of generated sources is defined according to the global properties maven.compiler.source and However, if you want to generate code in a different version, you can add the compilerSourceLevel and compilerTargetLevel parameters in the plugin configuration. An example is shown above.


Listing 1. The properties used on this document.


You need to ensure that all dependencies used in your Xcore file are included in the pom.xml.

For a simple Xcore generated file, you just need one dependency which ensures that @Ecore and @GenModel annotations are well known by compiler.



When you create a new project that needs code generation, you need to add some plugins in your pom.xml

Cleaning the previously generated code


Code generation from Xcore model

Some plugin dependencies may be added according to your Xcore model

        <encoding>${}</encoding> <!-- Default value -->
        <compilerSourceLevel>${maven.compiler.source}</compilerSourceLevel> <!-- Default value -->
        <compilerTargetLevel>${}</compilerTargetLevel> <!-- Default value -->

Adding the generated code to the build path


Building the generated code


Known Issues

[Eclipse] - The code generation cannot be executed with the automatic build (Issue #26)

In Eclipse, Maven is integrated with the m2e plugin, which required additional connectors to recognize Maven plugins in a pom.xml file.

Unfortunately, there is no connector for the xtext-maven-plugin and it must be added to the "ignore-list" of m2e, according to the m2e official website (There is a quick-fix in Eclipse).

In this case, goals that depend on this plugin aren’t executed automatically. You need to invoke the build manually to generate the code, everytime you edit the targetted Xcore model. Only code generation is concerned : when code is generated, you should have no problem with it.

Use the following command : mvn clean compile.

A generic type in this context must refer to a classifier or a type parameter* You can get this error if your pom.xml file doesn’t contain the following dependencies: org.eclipse.emf.common and org.eclipse.emf.ecore. Note that the error is reported for every primitive type.